Monday, January 28, 2008

I am sooooo ready for Spring. I know it is not even

February yet, and I'm certain we are going to get

more snow, but I want my gardens back. I can't wait

to plant my corn, tomatoes, melons, beans, and

peppers. I can't wait to see my bulbs bloom, all the

annuals that add so much pretty color. I want my

hands in the soil and watch the things I put into the

Earth grow. I love the fresh veggies we can have at

dinner, the fresh corn, I pick myself, from the garden

to make for a cookout. The fresh cut flowers that I

bring in the beautify my kitchen and make my home

smell like spring. I want to plant a larger variety in

the veggie garden this year so I have more to freeze

and can. The problem last year was that we ran out.

I wanted to put enough by for the winter, but we love

the fresh veggies so much we ate them every day.

We did have a lot of tomatoes which we gave to

friends and neighbors. I made several jars of pasta

sauce and salsa. I never realize how any tomatoes

it takes to make a pint of salsa. Wow. I set up to make

8 jars and ended up with four. Well, next year will be


1 comment:

Annie said...

six more weeks and it will be spring!!!!!!!